Online Grant Application

Community Grants, Spring 2024

The Community Grants Committee, headed by Andrea Bishop, selected these organizations for its second round of community grants for the 2023 - '24 program year:

  • Isabel's House: Amazon Fire tablets for kids, $1,250
  • Girls on the Run: 6 girls' memberships, $1,250
  • Lutheran Family and Children's Services: children's mental health therapy supplies, including games, books, and art supplies, $1,250
  • Big Brothers Big Sisters: funding for its Match program activities (examples from past activities include entrance to Wonders of Wildlife, arts programs/exhibits, and culinary classes), $1,250

The funds for these grants come from club members' dues.  For several years, the club's annual budgets have included $10,000 for community grants.  Starting with the 2024 - '25 program year, these funds will be supplemented by earnings from the Springfield Southeast Rotary Club Endowment, which now has about $550,000 from fundraisers and donations since the fund was established eight years ago.

Community Grants, Fall 2023

Here are the grants that the Community Grants Committee approved in the Fall of 2023.  The funds come from members' dues.
  • Ozarks Literacy Council:  $1,000 for preschool reading program books
  • On Angels Wings:  $1,000 for a recipient family testimonial video
  • Junior League of Springfield:  $1,000 to underwrite changes to its Plaid Door funding source
  • Foundation for Springfield Public Schools:  $1,000 for the Wilder Elementary Wild About Books program
  • Good Dads:  $1,000 for its Strong School program for supplies and curriculum development

The Committee makes two rounds of grants in each Rotary program year.  The second round for 2023-'24 will be announced in the spring.

Community Grants criteria

The community grants committee of the Rotary Club of Springfield Southeast is charged with the responsibility of recommending to the board of directors those charitable contributions made in the club’s name for the Rotary year. (Rotary years begin July 1 and end June 30.) The funds for the year are generated from the service fund assessment.

Organizations are welcome to apply for a community grant; however, all applicants must meet the following minimum criteria:

CHARITABLE. Grants must be used for a charitable purpose by a 501(c)3 organization.

LOCAL. Grants must used within southwest Missouri.

COMMUNITY BENEFIT. Proposals must specify a community benefit. Requests for funds for general operating expenses are discouraged.

RECOGNITION. Proposals must specify how the contribution will be acknowledged in a way that promotes community awareness of the Rotary Club of Springfield Southeast.

Springfield Southeast wishes to utilize community grants to achieve the greatest possible impact across a broad range of projects each year. To do this, we award grants ranging from $500 to $1,000+.

Every year, Springfield Southeast determines its scope of grant interest based on Rotary International’s goals and club goals. Usually, grants are focused on literacy, hunger, and health; however, occasionally, other areas are considered.

Community Grants application process

Applications for grants are reviewed by our community grants committee. Requests for funds come from Southeast member suggestions, mail solicitations, personal solicitations from community organizations, and ideas generated by committee members.

There are two grant cycles every Rotary year, and organizations are encouraged to submit their proposals any time throughout the year to be considered for the next review cycle on the calendar.

The grant process includes two steps:
1) A review of the proposal by the committee
2) An in-person presentation (approximately 10 minutes) by the applying organization to the committee.

After presentations, the committee reviews the proposals and makes a recommendation to the board of directors. After the board of directors approves the grants, the committee notifies applicants.

Submit your proposal by email as an attachment, as well as proof of your 501(c)3 status, to